

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Country-men Sees Drug Baron As Saviour

Drug baron Joaquin is one of the most elusive personalities in Mexico even to the people closest to him he had been described in reality as the idol of drug trafficking in Mexico. In his home town Sinaloa, no body ever hopes to rival in riches, therefore they had not delayed in showering praises on his fame.

The historic market of Labrinthine Garmendia has a lot of plazas and stalls all owned by  Isaiah Rodriquez where they sell a self customised souvenirs and trinkets boldly imprinted with the phrase "i love Sinaloa".

Isaiah who ranks 115 at the list of El-Chapo's top 1000 richest Americans though in prison has launched a new commodity in the market a baseball cap branded with El-Chapo and the word BILLIONAIRE boldly printed on the front of the cap and the number "701" printed at the other sides of the cap indicating his position when he first appeared on the top 1000 richest Americans.

Charpels in their honor

Jesus Malverede is another bandit being honored by the people of Sinaloa, a chapel had been dedicated in his honor very close to the Garmendia market. The walls of the chapel are always covered by the plaques of appreciative families who thinks his work is good, the dim candle is always lit by anyone who thinks the light is burning out.

Stories are heard of how he steals from the rich in order to feed the poor, for which many people are still very grateful. He is known as the "angel of the poor" but he has another nickname too "the narco-saint"- because of his following among the cartels.

Rodolfo the chapel keeper of Malverde chapel said that just as in the case of Malverde, another chapel should also be dedicated to El-Chapo because he is also a generous man, he had helped a lot of people.

The superheroes in the drug-lords

In this part of the world, it may not be too surprising to know the fact that they praise drug lords like El-Chapo, one among the most powerful and dangerous drug dealer in the world and assume him to be a good guy.

Some people believe that drug dealers like El-Chapo are even more capable of giving security to them more than the corrupt government, therefore they throw their cap of respect.
"He gives them work and money but more than that, he boldly challenges the government, makes fun of them,and escapes from prison. He's a modern-day Robin Hood," says Mr Valdez. But, he adds, it often means that El Chapo's darker side goes unacknowledged.

"People don't care to know any other thing about the personality they shower their praises upon, all that seems to matter to them is that which they tend to gain, thus don't like to link themselves to the negative side" continued Mr. Valdez.

Praising El-Chapo...

It is surprising to know that his mother is still living in the municipal where he grew up, an hour Travel into the Sierra Madre mountains, there you'll  get to the municipal of Badiraguato. where El Chapo grew up. This area is one of the biggest places in Mexico where opium and marijuana are produced in quantum. It is also where many think El Chapo is hiding.

On several occasions people surprisingly praise the drug lord El Chapo. Such is the like of Simona a business woman, she said her father was once a cook to one of the most famous drug lords Rafael Caro Quintero, and openly admitted that she is happy for what El Chapo has achieved in a poor part of Mexico where there are few job opportunities apart from agriculture.

Simona jokingly stated that real men take big risks and that just these drug guys do, she laughed... But in the town hall, she pronounced that Mayor Mario Valenzuela is not at all valued. Mario knows El Chapo's mother and though not exactly proud of his crimes, Mr Valenzuela admitted that the production of drugs in this part of Mexico is reality.

Mr. Mario continued to say that this issue of drug trafficking is a very complicated one, though the health risk is high which is understandable but the production itself creates employment for us and keeps our economy moving though we may not try to believe that this evil is one of the major part of our economy, but be it as it may, it is fact.

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