

Wednesday 22 July 2015

TEACHER: How Mi-Genus Psychological Test Boosted Test Scores Of My Students

The principal Wellspring college Omole Lagos Mrs Olariade has introduced the Mi-Genus psychological test to her school, she explained that the test is to help students discover their potential earlier and as a matter of fact avoid the career that might be difficult for them to achieve in. She went further to encourage the stake holders in education to conduct this test for all students.

The benefit of the test as she said is beyond expected as the test score at Wellspring school have boosted and the general academic body of wellspring are doing great since the test was conducted and special counseling service giving to each student. In her own happy mood she said that this test will help prepare the students for a greater future.

Mrs Olariade explained to parents as she appealed for them to comply with the counseling experts in advicing their children to heed to the advice of the psychologists as it is for their own very benefit. This would lead them to a better life in adulthood, guarantee them success, ultimately provide jobs and live their dreams lives.

The principal on the wellspring college graduation day held at the school premises told the graduating students that their is a bright future ahead of them because the 52 of them are well grounded in foundation academically, morally and otherwise.

The principal did not only point at the benefits of the Mi-Genus psychological test she also explained the meaning and benefit of the memory enhancing program and said that these two tests are the most important in secondary education to help students with.

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