

Sunday 19 July 2015

Rihanna And Leonard Dicaprio Angered Over Pregnancy Rumour

The titanic actor Leonard DiCaprio has made it known of his intention to sue the French Magazine after a false publication about the upcoming baby between Rihanna and Leo which has spread the rumble wave of a bizarre discussions in the air.

Upon the false claims made on the magazine's publications, they went further to say that the 40 year old actor had denied the pregnancy and wishes to have nothing to do with the Child and the assumed mother.

After the law found the magazine publications guilty of Gossip Cop they were fined $20,000 payment to Leo and Rihanna.

At the jury, the Publication manager and the CEO Pabna Mag admitted to the offense and pleaded that they thought the rumor was true, and off course they published a story on Rihanna being pregnant.

Leo was attending the Cannes film festival in France when he accidentally stumbled on the false publication on the Magazine and pushed for charges.
anyways Leo and his team of lawyer will be in court for the final declaration on the 16 of this month.

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