

Monday 27 July 2015

Obama Set To Make Kenya The 51st US State

The president of America Mr. Barack Obama previously, has described Africa as a continent ON THE MOVE. Saturday marks the opening of the business summit sponsored by America in one of the eastern African nations Kenya. Mr Barack Obama who has an ancestral background in Kenya have taking a possible step in making Kenya  the 51st state of the United states.

Recently in a press report conf. Mr Obama had proclaimed the fact that Africa is the fastest growing region in the world, he explained that people are being lifted out of poverty on daily bases thus its time one of them joins the American family.

In Kenya, the Obamas are viewed as gods and saviour. His visit to Kenya had been marked as the first of any American incumbent president since independent. The presidents late father was a Kenyan and most of their family members still lives in Kenya including Gane his step grand mum.

Mr Obama had said that this decision, he takes personal and for the fact that his Kenyan heritage is still there then he must honor and respect it even his Muslim ties.

At the global entrepreneurship summit coming up in Kenya this Saturday, the US president wishes to announce the 51st state to the world. A commitment of $1 trillion from the US government, Bank foundations and philanthropies will be given to Kenya to help it support young businesses and also use it to support women and children who are believed to face a bigger obstacle in opening a business.

The Fox news gossip has predicted this act since the resumption of the president into second tenure, Bill O'Reilly the fox news director of current information said "we have proof as long as a black man lets his pants down". He claimed that this act was in concord with the promise Obama made to his father on his sick bed to make Kenya a US state.

News reporter Britt Hume pronounced that this act would be a complete waste of the US tax to a class of people who have no real connection to the American nation. "People known today for throwing spade at Zebra for food then suddenly tomorrow living in luxury of free phone, refrigerators and microwaves".

Nevertheless, not everybody thought this decision as a bad idea, an interview with the ex-president George Bush has said that he finds nothing wrong with the decision and as long they were made citizens over there and not over here. Also coming from Cliff Hargus, he ironically stated that this could be an advantage to the republican party as there are greater number of Elephants there than Camels.

Mr McCain, while on interview said that he has to make a complete research on that Nigerian guys decision before he could answer the questions. On being corrected that Obama is not a Nigerian but from Kenya, he replied that he is not a good geography student and doesn't care. Present in the meeting was secretary Clinton when ask about her view of the situation she said it was not a bad idea to make Kenya a US state and has nothing against it.

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