

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Spaceship Discovers New Planet Similar To Earth In The Far Space

The American national Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) on Thursday said that the Kepler spacecraft has spotted another planet in the universe but this one is more earth-like than the others, thus the first one ever.

Reports from the chief astronaut Charles bond said that the planet is located in a habitable zone from its star, according to Charles bond, "the planet is in a distance from its star similar to the distance of earth from the sun and form our assumptions, it is possible for the Kepler-452b planet to possess rocks, water and air".

The chief Kepler researcher Mr Jon Jenkins said in an interview that the planet is 1,400 light years away from the earth though 60% bigger than earth, it has every other characteristic of a planet capable of sustaining life.

He went on to explain that a visitor on the planet will experience a gravity 2x that on earth as a result of its size. Also the planetary scientist said that the planet has a bigger odd of a rocky surface presence of water and a more dense atmosphere than the others.

Also from the table of Mr Jensen he said "if the assumptions of planetary geologist were to be 100% correct, then there is no doubt of the presence of an atmosphere on this planet though we may not know what its made of but the probability is high".
Jenkins continued that Kepler-452b orbits round its star once every 385 days similar to earths 365 days and due to the relatively slow velocity, 6 billion years is enough time to brew life.

Previously, Kepler-186f was considered the most earth-like planet orbiting the universe, a planet ten times bigger than earth and 500 light years away. From calculations a noon there would look similar to an evening here because it is farther away from its star that it receives just 1/3 of the energy the earth receives from the sun from its star.

The kepler mission was launched in 2009 with the aim of finding other inhabitable planets in the milky way.
The Kepler spacecraft was designed with special sensors sensitive enough to observe even the slightest drop in the brightness of a single star suggesting that a planet has passed in front of it thus shielding light. Currently, the spacecraft has discovered more than 1000 planets including the latest Kepler-452b and hopes are rising that more could be found.

The $600 Kepler mission is one out the tens that has been launched or ready to be launch. All focused on the goal of bringing scientists closer to the galaxy, finding more planet and cataloging their characteristics. Thus a goal of exploring the universe.

NASA in collaboration with other research companies or organisations are planing to launch the Planet satellite called TESS and the James Webb space telescope both which consists of more sensitive bodies that can provide more detailed informations about planets ranging from their colour, size, mass, weather and seasonal changes and most astonishing the presence of potential vegetation in them.

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