

Thursday 6 August 2015

Zimbabwe Ready To Adjust Its Land Grab Creed Of 2000

15 years after the Zimbabwe government made a ridiculous decision which threw the countries economy into turmoil has for the first time reversed its decision of giving official permission to white farmers to use their (Zimbabweans) land.

Mr. Douglas Mombeshora representing Zanu-PF have reported that provincial leaders were asked to draw up a list of names of white farmers whom they wanted to issue out lands to on lease to continue their agricultural practices.
The land grab creed imposed in 2000 caused almost every white farmer in Zimbabwe to lose their lands to black farmers, it is believed that the Beneficiaries of this malicious creed are believed to start paying penny rental per acre which will be used to compensate the evicted white farmers.

The land grab creed of the year 2000 was implemented by the president Robert Mugabe, this was triggered by his attempt to regain popularity after he lost a referendum to the Movement for Democratic Party (MDP), this land creed of 2000 was believed to had affected over 4000 white farmers.
The land grab decision have caused the the country know for their high productivity in agriculture all over Africa to import food to feed its citizens. Today, fewer than 300 white farmers remain on portions of their original land holdings in Zimbabwe and many of the seized farms lie fallow.

Elizabeth Mitchelle was among those affected by the President Robert Mugabe's creed "that whites can no longer own lands in Zimbabwe" luckily she's among the remaining farmers who have been recommended for a reprieve of President's edict.

Elizabeth was a poultry farmer who produces over 100,000 birds each week. When she was striped off her farm, it was allocated to minister of tourism Mr Walter Mzembi. Elizabeth appealed and was backed by provincial leaders to stay.

The Masvingo province affair minister Shuvai Mahofa, has proposed for a 99 years land lease to be given to five other farmers who were on her list of white farmers she was inspired towards this action because she believed that the operations of this farms are of great economic importance to the province and the entire nation.

White farmers who struggled to keep in possession of their farm lands faced a lot of threat from the hands of the president Robert Mugabe whom on several occasions had said "Don't be too kind to white farmers, they can own industries and companies, or stay in apartments in our towns but they cannot own lands in our home".

According to Mr. Mombeshora, the European union suggested the establishment of "land commission" to aid in the effective distribution of seized farmlands but this idea was delayed. He went on to say that the new land laws were almost ready to go before the parliament which would require beneficiaries to pay rent. Rents would be used to start a process of compensation for evicted white farmers.

President Mugabe's spokesman said in a press conference during a recent visit to South Africa said that productivity would be the key determinant to whether a beneficiary would hold on to the land or lose it, as not many had made productive use of their own land and thus are on the verge of losing the land. he continued to say that there may be another tears for farmers but this time it may be for the blacks.

CFU director Hendrik Olivier said that he was glad to hear that the government of Zimbabwe was considering compensating evicted farmers.
The CFU (Commercial Farmers Union) is a union that represents the interests of evicted farmers and urged more farm practices among young farmers.

Mr. Hendrik continued “most of this evicted farmers then are now old sick and really needs this compensation, also i hope maybe the UK will comply in accordance to the 1992 constitution pay the remaining compensation as the colonisers of the nation of Zimbabwe.

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