

Wednesday 12 August 2015

The Gay Community And The Larger World...

Queen Elizabeth II of Britian on July 2013 declared the gay right/same sex marriage legalities in the states of England after approving the bill passed by parliament. This decision however didn't just go on unopposed backing the bill was Prime minister David cameroon and many other members of the Conservative party opposed the bill thus leading to a two hours long dreadful debate in the House of commons.

France is also another nation facing the controversies and difficulties associated with the legalisation of same sex marriage. After the bill was passed a massive protest followed flooding the streets but the government official still didn't feel like changing their minds anyways. Before the start of spring, same sex marriages will fully begin in the local courts all through the nation, England and Wales are expected to join in the league before Summer.

The most powerful conservative group in New Zealand, though delayed but were unable to stop the New Zealand parliament from passing bill in favour of the same sex marriage. Gay right activist have also made it clear that they will by the end of august start going to court to get certified as spouse  while they celebrate.

Opposition from the Catholic family did not stop Uruguay from breaking the record in Latin America as they begin to recognise gay marriages.
Also the on the list of the nations yet to make a decision about their stand on the issue is the USA and Mexico, though many of there politicians are beginning to reason with the gay issue.

A look at the few countries in the world that has already declared gay marriage legal

Netherlands, 2000

Netherland made history in 2000 after a 3 to 1 vote ratio in favour of the gay right was conducted thus making it legal for gays to marry, divorce and adopt children. Today there are over 16,000 legally married gay couples in Netherland and currently over 82% of the population of Netherland are beginning to dine with the gay communities. This situation have made Netherland the best place to survive as a gay in the whole world.

Belgium, 2003

The German parliament only had difficulty with the Vatican when they decided to take the decision In 2003. This act led to pope john paul's global campaign saying that "homosexual unions were immoral, unnatural and harmful."

Canada, 2005

After two years of battle among the members of the house of common with hot long debates and court tensions, Canada in 2005 finally voted to make gay marriage legal though opposed by 9 out of the 13 provinces. Later in 2006 social conservatives tried to reverse the the law but was unsuccessful.

Spain, 2005

In 2005, Spain decided to follow league when they extended marriage rights to gay couples this act was fiercely countered by conservative politicians like Jorge Fernandez Diaz who said that it is better to ban the act of homosexuality as it does not support the "survival of species".

South Africa, 2006

south Africa, for fear of not violating their young constitution, In 2005 passed a bill for gay marriage when the court stated that preventing gay marriage violated the countries young human right laws  which was adopted not long after the end of Apartheid.

Norway, 2009

The Norway nation followed after Denmark legalised gay union in 1993, the main controversy then was the act that lesbians should not have artificial insemination later in 2009, the Norwayan government legalised gay marriage after the gay right law won in the vote among members of the house of common with a 2:1 vote margin.

Sweden, 2009

The civil union among gays was allowed in the mid-90 in Sweden, then in 2009 a full right of legal union was thrown to them after a vote by the Swedish parliament.

Iceland, 2010

In 2010 a vote was conducted among the 49 members of the Irish parliament Unbelievably the whole 49 members voted in favour of the gay right. Few months later, prime minister Johanna Sigurdottir married her best friend Jonina Leosdottir.

Portugal, 2010

The gay marriage law was signed into the Portuguese judicials in 2010 by President Anibal Cavaco Silva after failure to make the highest court in the nation reassess the act prohibiting gay couples from adopting, he had since lay low.

Argentina, 2010

Though predominantly governed by the christian/catholic morals, the south American nation became the first Latin American nation to legalize gay marriage after a narrow vote margin of 2:3 later on that year the Argentine pope pronounced that the bill was a destructive attack on Gods plan.

Denmark, 2012

The most controversies associated with homosexuality was experienced in Denmark after allowing the civil union in the 80's in 2012 was fully legalised they were gotten married in the church and allowed to adopt children.

France, 2013

France is the nation that have experienced the greatest protest against gay rights than any other nation in the world, in 2013 France passed a bill legalising gay union this was followed immediately by thousands of angry protesters flooding the street, burned government projects and overturned cars as they fight against the tear gas. The first gay marriage in France took place on May 29 in Montpellier between Vincent Autin and Bruno Boileau.

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