

Thursday 6 August 2015

West Changes Strategy In Fighting The Syrian Insurgency

A Dutch Muslim fighter have boastfully commented of how his AL-Qaeda linked group took on and defeated the US favoured rebel group in Syria, in a new humiliation for Britain and the West's strategy for the country's civil war.
In an online footage the Jihadists said that the al-qaeda linked groups known as Jabhat al Nusra who has gained massive popularity after a strategic attack on Iraq and Levanti will not accept any form of intervention from any so called humanitarians especially from the west else matters could get worse.

The members of the the American delta force to fist pass through the Pentagon training "division 30" have failed to defeat the rebels from the northern Syrian border in the past few months.
The defeat leaves one American plan for the conflict in shamble. altogether, Turkey, which has agreed in theory to join in the war on Isis, has been more active in bombing bases of the Kurdish group PKK, even though its affiliates fighting in Syria are working closely with the US against Isis.

According to the defense secretary Micheal Fallon, Britain is on the risk of losing more territories to the Jihadists, saying that the battalion are suffering a lot of pressure right now especially from the issue of coalition with RAF in combating the ISIS terror group. Also after the defeat of division 30, some of its members were kidnapped, many killed and the survivors retreating to the headquarter at Azaz.

A second video has been released by the dutch fighter, this time bragging and causing the American division 30 calling them a western military cancer and accused the whole world for reluctantly referring to division 30 as the "last hope". He went on to say that his group will not stop the fight against the last hope until they are completely conquered.

On Tuesday, the group of which US-trained fighters form a minority appeared to reject the US training programme altogether, while affirming its commitment to fighting both Isis and the regime. The US has for the last three years been hesitant to back the rebels in Syria, despite calling for the overthrow of the Assad regime, for fear of the revolution being taken over by anti-American jihadists.

However, due to the circumstances, rebels have sought funding from private donors and Gulf states, with the result that Islamist groups are dominant anyway. Isis has taken over the north-west, while Jabhat al-Nusra are a key part of an Islamist coalition that runs large parts of the north-east. All that remains in the north is a small area in and around Aleppo.

US defense secretary Ashton Carter told Congress on a meeting last month that he had been disappointed at the number of the soldiers that had graduated from the controversial US-funded programme  for the year, he explained that it was in no way what to write home about.

The programme was meant to produce over 5,000 soldiers by the end of the year but instead only a discouraging number of 54 was produced.

After an attack was launched against the youth activist in the boarder between Turkey and Syria, the usually porous security at the boarder town of Suruc have been strenghtened with both air and ground strikes in positions

The attacks at the southern Suruc recently have claimed the lives of more than 20 soldiers, and in turn ove 500 PKK members were killed in the same attack on the Turkish soil.

Both the US and the European union yesterday urged Turkey to react “proportionately” to the PKK attacks, which have shattered a ceasefire that seemed to have brought an end to a 40 years war in the south-east of the country.

Since like a period of one year, the the British pilots have taking part in conjunction with the iraq and turkish soldiers in fighting the insurgency, on Tuesday, Mr. Fallon appeared on BBC and made some declarations stating that the military strategies in Syria needs to expand their territories in other to effectively counter the opposition. He said that a lot of illogical actions taking place at the military camps could hinder the efficiency of an attack. Then he pointed at an instance of a jet flying back to retreat without the others being told to.

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