

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Scandals Of President Buhri's Trip To USA

The new Nigerian President Muhammed Buhari has just in few days in office done exceptionally well, at least for a start. Who knows if it will last. The president whom many had no faith or trust in during his campaign, seems to have began to add something tasteful to his stew that got his haters interested in his personality. Recently, an invitation from the president of USA was one of the things his haters thought would be controversial.

Issues of the visit or rather the anticipated controversial visit of the Presidents to America in a short while became the topic of discussion in leisure arguments or debates, many had a thought of the American president planing on talking the wise MB into legalizing the gay marriage thing in Nigeria offcourse the were not wrong after all because that topic also came up during the meeting.

Though it may not be true, many had stated that it was in the presidents agreement with the USA to change stand on the issue of gay right even before his being elected as president in order to maintain good relation with the world power.

These haters therefore with their own self satisfying facts and proof in favour of their debate, have drawn a shopping list of items for the president. On that list included

  •  the finality of the LGBTs' in Nigeria coming out in court to profess their love publicly,
  •  not taking up or minding the past incumbents projects 
  • and failure to successfully fight against the insurgents that have terriorised the northern part of the country.

But most expected was the issue of gay marriage. The American president threw it at a certain point of the meeting and most unexpected, the Nigerian president responded negative. The president was expected to come home to Nigeria with an arms deal (lifting the ban of USA from selling ammunition to Nigeria) with America else the the trip could be classified as nothing more than a waste.

As it turned out, the peoples expectations as well as the presidents plans have been dismayed. As he returned home without successfully securing the arms deal with the United States. the president had it as number one priority in his agenda to combat insurgency in the first few months of his inauguration, but the reverse have seemed to be the case because right now the military equipments really need to be at top point or star status for them to successfully combat the terrorist group that are growing stronger day by day. the past government have been suspected to have a link to the funding and supoport of the terror and president MB is fully ready to bring its members to justice with proof.

Haters have criticised the out come of the meeting of the president and keeps suggesting the high scent of mediocrity in the leaders of the country, as they went on saying that the new president is nothing in contrast with the former in character. though the new president have stayed barely three months in office they are comparing his achievements to that of the former president who stayed six year on seat.

Thus they forget the difference between 3 months and six years they have criticised him of being too slow with solving the issue of the growing insurgent attack on the nation which he bragged was his number one agenda and was ready to fulfill that in just few months of office as he claimed to have the perfect plans all drawn out with thoroughly calculated odds. Maybe they are right in saying the president was slow with plans but his steps seems more calculated than that of the former leader.

Many had expected the new president MB to take on everything at once and over night turned the whole nation into an Isle of the Blessed but the president has a lot to deal with and if not well dealt with it could bring more trouble so he ought to watch well his footsteps else he slip.

A no to the united states gay right proposal have been well applauded in the country as he have shown clear and complete independency, though America had still refused to sell arms to him for other reasons not for refusal of proposal still he had maintained a high sense of respect and dignity for the nation in the face of the world.

America's refusal to sell weapons to Nigeria because of the belief of the nation violating the fundamental human right (not in anyway connected to LGBT) and on constitution is prohibited to partner in business with such nation in anyway especially in arms.

A greater part of the nation especially among the prominent had lived in corruption over the years and the outburst of this insurgency have just brought out the sour of a concealed wound as many suspect of a possibility of the Muslim prominents and their allies planing to Islamise the whole country which could lead to a possible war. Therefore as long as this belief is still on air the Muslim president needs to gain the trust of world powers like America and Britain before ammunition are sold to him.

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